Young Life Pasadena High

Young Life has existed at Pasadena High School for the past 9 years ago.  Its fundamental mission is to introduce students who have no faith experience to Jesus.  This is done primarily through adults entering the lives of students and through relationship introducing them to Jesus.

Young Life’s primary verse is John 1:14 “The word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  Jesus entered the lives of people. It was in the breaking of bread and daily life that people saw Jesus for who he was.  Similarly, when adults who love Jesus and walk alongside students, earning the right to be heard, students come to understand who Jesus is.  Young Life acknowledges that even if students choose not to pursue Jesus, adults will continue loving the student anyway. We seek to demonstrate the unrelenting, always pursuing and unconditional love of God.

At Pasadena High School Young Life carries out its mission through four central ways

  • Young Life club.  Every Wednesday during lunch roughly 200 students gather into a large room at Pasadena High School, eat pizza, watch a skit, play a game, and hear a gospel message about Jesus.  The goal of club is to create a safe place, to communicate a gospel that is open to all students. Roughly 10 adults are part of the weekly club gatherings including myself and another teacher on campus.
  • Small group/bible study.  Once a week or every other week, roughly 25 students participate in 3 different gatherings with an adult.  The purpose is to have space for students to share what is going on in their lives as well as look at stories about Jesus and ask questions about faith.   Ideally every student would be engaged in a small group, but this requires many more adults to engage to come to PHS (which we are working on).
  • Contact work.  Adults go to Pasadena High School and attend sporting events, plays, performances of students.  Entering the world of students communicates to them that they can come to us and Jesus “as they are.”
  • Woodleaf Camp.  Every year students spend a week at a Young Life camp an hour north of Sacramento.  During this week students do not have a cell phone, engage in outdoor activity, hear talks about Jesus and share vulnerably about their lives.  Through this experience students are encouraged to continue a life of faith by connecting to a local church and being part of a small group.

In the summer of 2019, 33 students from PHS signed up and joined other students from high schools in the area (San Marino, John Muir, Maranatha, La Canada).  One of the great things about going to camp in this area is students interact across socio-economic and racial lines. Many of them have not been in relationship with students from a private school.  They learn that the gospel transcends every boundary humans create.

Due to the high cost of camp ($750), we seek to scholarship some of their amount so it is more affordable.  Every year that I attend Woodleaf Camp I am reminded that God is at work in this generation of high school students.  The message of Jesus is more compelling now than ever before. Through the ministry of Young Life students are encountering Jesus and changing their belief, values, and way of life.  Some of them have gone on to become Young Life leaders at other school sites.

You can partner with Young Life Pasadena by praying, and by giving financially.  Thanks for reading this and for your concern for students in the community.

Kyle Michealsen
Social Studies Teacher at Pasadena High School